Persian Gabbeh Rug

Persian Gabbeh rugs only came in existence in the last 40 years or so and provide more of a modern geometric design.  Some have very few patterns, no patterns and bright colors are used in most designs.  The pile of the rug (Wool) is very thick and the knots are not very dense in the rug.  These rugs are made by nomadic tribes and were use in the tent during travel.  

The one pictured above is my Gabbeh.  I am a fan of the Gabbeh rugs of both Persian and Turkish styles.  The lack of heavy designs are leading many buyers to them as  part of their decor for they rooms.

These are great starter collector rugs because the price is right and they come in all sizes to fit any room you are looking to fill. Note:  Many times the dyes are not fully set during the process of making the rugs and therefore, special cleaning is needed to ensure the rug is not ruin during the cleaning process.  If you have a rug like this or any handknotted rug and you’re not sure if it will bleed when wet, bring it to us and we can test the dyes and let you know.  

We know how to wash rugs from around the world because we know how the rug is made and what procedures to use to achieve the best possible cleaning for your rug.  You see we have full time dedicated Certified Master Rug Cleaners on-staff.  We have a rug cleaning plant along with all the specialty tools and solutions. We train all around the United States to achieve the best cleaning solutions for your rug. We DON’T pull up and use our truck-mounted systems to clean your prized rug, we wash your rugs by hand and ensure they are fully dusted, cleaned, dried and groomed. 

If you ever have any questions about this type of rug, or your own rug, please don’t hesitate to call, write or send me a picture.  We love rugs and we love the story behind the rug.  

Until next time, Rugman Out!

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